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Essay on utilitarianism

Essay on utilitarianism

essay on utilitarianism

Utilitarianism is a philosophical concept that holds an action to be held right if it tends to promote happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarians define the morally right actions as Utilitarianism Essay. Utilitarianism is a consequential perspective, in that, a decision in based on the effects it —-will have on society and what it will generally lead to. Also, the utility or Jan 1,  · The philosophy of Utilitarianism focuses on the overall outcome or result of an action. It is believed that this will manifest a greater happiness and moral benefit for society.

Essay on Utilitarianism Theory

Utilitarianism is a theory of morality that focuses on the principle of happiness for others. The primary focus is to bring happiness and pleasure to the greater number, essay on utilitarianism. In other words, an action that results in happiness for the majority number of people is morally good and the action that results in unhappiness for the majority number of people is morally wrong. Despite the happiness it may bring to others, essay on utilitarianism, utilitarianism is wrong essay on utilitarianism some of the actions that apply can cause arguments, in which challenge utilitarianism. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.

When Utilitarianism is used, others work together to create happiness for the majority while trying to reduce suffering in society. But at times deciding to please others can cause pain, which is why utilitarianism should be applied with general rules. Although it may sound great to please others, it can also lead to actions that hurt people. This means they believe it is right to fulfill actions that are wrong as long as it results in happiness for the greater good. For example, a man may be wrongfully committed for murder, but society may believe he is guilty and protest to keep him incarcerated.

Furthermore, these actions of the higher authority would cause others not to trust them, essay on utilitarianism, resulting in people not going to the police for help in fear that their attacker may not be incarcerated but rather an innocent man. As mentioned before, the greater good is more important than an individual in the rule of utilitarianism. For instance, if a hospital could save five essay on utilitarianism by killing one person, a utilitarian would believe this is right in order to help save the majority, essay on utilitarianism. But what if that one person wanted to experience more life essay on utilitarianism stay with their family longer? Although a utilitarian may believe it is right to kill one person to save others, it is still against the law and morally wrong to kill a person.

For example, Chris knows a man down his street who is very wealthy, who he can steal from to help his mom buy dinner for the night. From his point of view, he only has two choices to choose from, he can either steal money from his neighbor or eat a little portion for dinner. In conclusion, utilitarianism diminishes the act of justice in society. They will not care for the pain they cause others as long as the pleasure is greater. This then can put others in danger just because someone may want to please others. In this case, our sole principles for making decisions should not be based on utilitarianism. Essay Samples Writing Help. Essay about Utilitarianism ��Category: Essay on utilitarianismPhilosophy ��Words: ��Pages: 4 ��Published: 02 September Related Samples Reflection on Freedom Essay Sample The Bill Of Rights Essays Example What the Bill of Rights Means to Me?

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Essay about Utilitarianism

essay on utilitarianism

Jun 17,  · Utilitarianism is, at its core, a theory about morality. To elaborate, it looks for what is good or bad; in the case of the situation presented to us, these are decided based on the Essay on Utilitarianism Utilitarianism And The Theory Of Utilitarianism. The first group to oppose the happiness theory draws their conclusions Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism in its very basic Utilitarianism is an ethical theory summed up by the phrase, the right action is one which creates the sum total amount of happiness for the greatest number. Therefore, utilitarians believe that

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