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Causes of global warming essay

Causes of global warming essay

causes of global warming essay

Oct 7,  · Global Warming causes intense heat waves by significantly increasing the temperature which disbalances the proportion of temperature in different areas. It creates Mar 16,  · The Causes of Global Warming Now I will discuss the causes of global warming, there are five causes of global warming: 1) population (The Canadian Press, Unsustainable agriculture is a major cause of global warming. There are several reasons why agriculture is a problem. One reason is linked to land use. When rainforests and other

Global Warming Essay: Causes, Effects, and Prevention

Essay on causes of global warming! These essays will also guide you to learn about the measures to overcome global warming. Contents List of Essays on Causes of Global Warming Essay on Causes of Global Warming — Causes and Measures to Control Global Warming Essay 1 — Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming — Burning of Fossil Fuels, Deforestation, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Air Pollution and Non-Degradable Products Essay 2 — Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming Essay 3 — Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming — For School Students Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard Essay 4 — Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming — With Causes of global warming essay to Overcome Global Warming Essay 5 — Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming Essay 6 — Words Essay on Causes of Global Warming — For College Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on the Causes of Global Warming — Long Essay for Competitive Exams UPSC, IAS, IPS and Civil Services Exam Essay 8 — Words.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 4, 5, 6, 7, causes of global warming essay, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12 standard and college students, causes of global warming essay. Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays. Causes of global warming are undoubtedly the consequence of human activities. Global warming is the process in which greenhouse gases are produced in such large amounts that they increase the temperature of the earth in an erratic manner.

The main causes of global warming are smokes and ashes resulting from the heavy usage of automobiles, growing industries, and the burning of fossil fuels. Deforestation, chlorofluorocarbons ejected from the refrigerators and other electrical appliances are other causes of global warming. Generally, the causes of global warming is divided into two types. They are —. The natural causes of global warming include volcanic eruptions. The volcanic eruptions release a lot of smokes and gases into the atmosphere, causes of global warming essay, thus causing global warming. The man-made causes of global warming includes the cutting down of trees, burning of fossil fuels, excessive release of smokes from industries and vehicles, use of CFCs in refrigerators, etc.

We can overcome these negative outcomes by working on the causes of global warming. Planting more trees, adopting a greener lifestyle and replacing plastics with common biodegradable products are effective solutions. We must take every possible measure in order to even out the results and causes of global warming and protect our planet earth. Global warming has become one of the major concerns for too many people. There is something which we need to do at the earliest to make sure that our environment is saved before it gets too late, causes of global warming essay. In order to deal with the problem of global warming, let us understand some of the possible causes of global warming. The excessive use of causes of global warming essay fuels is one of the key causes of global warming.

Burning of fossil fuels tend to release carbon dioxide which gets trapped in the environment and contributes to global warming. The merciless cutting down of trees endlessly is another key cause of global warming. Trees are required to have adequate oxygen supply and to curtail the carbon dioxide levels. With massive deforestation, we are also disturbing the ecological balance of nature. Using fertilizers and pesticides are also detrimental. Not only do they end up impacting the quality of natural soil but they also kill a lot of native plants and animals as well.

The manufacturing of such fertilizers are done in massive plants which release harmful gases in the atmosphere leading to global warming. There are several human related causes of air pollution which includes using too many vehicles for commuting. The release of these harmful gases in the atmosphere is another key cause of global warming. We use too many non biodegrade products like plastic which end up damaging our environment and creating the problem of global warming. So, it is about time, we take a stand and make efforts to reduce the causes of global warming in order to ensure a healthy environment. There are many different causes of global warming most of them are linked with human industry and everyday practices, like driving cars or using fossil fuel as a source of heat.

There are so many instances in which mankind has contributed to climate change that we cannot name them all in one essay. What we can do is look at the major causes of global warming and how they can be controlled. There causes of global warming essay natural causes of global warming like the shift in the position of the planets that stand a few degrees closer to the sun and volcanic eruptions. However, the majority causes of global warming is because of human activities. Industrialization and urbanization are the main causes of global warming.

The causes of global warming are linked with industry and the burning of fossil fuels which in turn release greenhouse gases that heat up the atmosphere. This link of destruction is not the only cause but general misuse of the environment can also be seen as a cause of global warming. Practices like the burning of fossil fuel, to the cutting down of trees and causes of global warming essay release of toxic smoke into the atmosphere are seen as causes of global warming, causes of global warming essay. They are all part of collective ignorance of the dangers behind everyday practices. Sadly this lack of attention is endangering our quality of life through climate change. The causes of global warming are well known to many people but we seldom make an effort to change our daily practices so that we can have a better quality of life and maybe even create a brighter future for our children and the people that will come after us.

Global warming is not an irreversible process we just have to make an effort and save the Earth. Causes of global warming are acts and omissions that has led to the spread of global warming in the world. Global warming is generally man-made. While there might be some natural causes of global warming, it is largely man-made. Thus our individual effort plays a major role in this phenomenon. Global warming threatens the entire human existence, causes of global warming essay. As our planet gets hotter it becomes more difficult for plants and animals to live in an ideal environment.

This can lead to serious consequences to the human race also. Thus, it becomes important to understand the causes and invariably try to reverse the trend. Humans have contributed immensely to the causes of global warming. By our acts or in some cases failure to act, we have facilitated its growth. The pertinent question would be — what are those acts? The answers are provided below:. The effect of fossil fuel as a cause of global warming cannot be underestimated. It is by far the most prominent reason for its growth. When we use fuel such as oil, coal, and gas, we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in large quantity. Our cars are powered by either petrol or diesel engines. Also, the electricity we consume is largely produced by burning coal.

These acts encourage global causes of global warming essay leading to a less safe environment for everyone. One would think that the carbon dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuel can be simply absorbed by trees. The reality is not so because of the cutting down of trees. As we cut down more trees, we reduce the number of trees that can sulk in all that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus becoming a cause of global warming. Animal farming as a cause of global warming is peculiar to livestock farming. Livestock animals release methane which causes pollution to our atmosphere. Also, some manure used by farmers contains nitrous oxide which leads to air pollution as well. Though it has been emphasized that most of causes of global warming essay causes of global warming are man-made, there are some noteworthy natural causes.

First, there is the impact of volcanic eruptions on our environment. The second is the variation in solar radiation leading to an imbalance in the atmosphere. These factors causes of global warming essay many others are instrumental to climate change. Since we have identified the causes of global warming, causes of global warming essay, the more important task would be to find viable solutions for them. These solutions would be aimed at man-made causes as they can be controlled by us as humans. Causes of global warming should be identified to solve the main problem. Today, global warming is one of the serious issues which have altered numerous forms of life on earth. The causes of global warming are divided into 2 causes of global warming essay i.

The eruptions of volcanoes are one of the main causes of global warming in which a large number of ashes and carbon dioxide are realized in the atmosphere. The release of methane gas is also the important causes of global warming that traps the heat inside the atmosphere. The sources of methane gas are landfill, petroleum systems, natural gas, mobile explosion, coal mining, or industrial waste procedure. There are numerous human activities that have become the big causes of global warming at present, like:. There is lots of usage of fossil fuels in the industries for running the machines in which carbon dioxide is released in the environment. At the time of mining, the methane gas gets stuck under the earth which results in the causes of global warming. The absorption of carbon dioxide is only done by trees from the atmosphere.

But the deforestation makes the carbon dioxide to stay inside the atmosphere which results in the causes of global warming. If we want to overcome the causes of global warming then, the governments of the nations along with their citizens have to come forward together. Below you can find a few ways that can provide the solution to the problem of global warming to a great extent:. To decrease global warming the impact of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere should be reduced like, decreasing gasoline related activities such as running of cars, etc. Recycling is one more important solution that can reduce the effects of global warming. It decreases the amount of garbage by recycling plastic bottles, bags, glasses or papers. Reducing the deforestation can also help us in saving our precious environment from global warming.

Purchasing the energy-efficient electrical products also helps in saving a large amount of carbon dioxide to reach the atmosphere. It is very important to understand the actual causes of global warming if we want to solve the problem of global warming seriously. Causes of global warming essay warming is causing lots of problems. Causes of Global Warming have been a subject of research as well as debate since the last decade. While there are some natural reasons for the increase in temperature on the Earth, there is no denying that humans have also played an important role in the increase in Global warming.

So, what are the main causes of global warming? There are many activities which can be attributed to the causes of global warming.

10 Lines on Causes of Global Warming in English

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Essay on Global Warming with Samples ( - - Words) | Leverage Edu

causes of global warming essay

Jun 24,  · The global warming happens because the natural rotation of the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth. Another cause of global warming is Mar 16,  · The Causes of Global Warming Now I will discuss the causes of global warming, there are five causes of global warming: 1) population (The Canadian Press, Unsustainable agriculture is a major cause of global warming. There are several reasons why agriculture is a problem. One reason is linked to land use. When rainforests and other

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